Save-On Grocery Cards

We have the opportunity, along with other non-profit clubs in Canmore, to purchase pre-paid grocery cards from Save-on-Foods. Preschool keeps 10% of sales!

  • Orders are due on the 7th of each month, Oct-June. We will happily set up automatically recurring monthly orders.
  • There is no cost to you other than the short wait between when you pay and when you receive your cards around the 20th of the month.
  • The cards can be used anytime for your routine grocery shopping.
  • The cards are like cash, so please keep them safe! They do not expire.
  • If you’d like to ask family and friends to support us by ordering grocery cards, that would be great! Please pool any other orders with yours and submit one payment.
  • We can accept orders in the preschool office, and payment by cash, cheque, credit card, or pre-authorized debit.

Thank you!


Learning through play!